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What's it all about? 
You're here for the food right? Me too.

Who are you?
James is the name. Chef for 23 years, cooking since I was 3. Grew up growing all our own fruit & veg in the garden and cooking everything from scratch. Live and travel around the Cotswolds.

Why is it called The Cotswold Food Year?
The Cotswold Food Year was designed to do what it says on the tin - chronicling the food I cooked in the Cotswolds over the course of the year.

A bit of history
Blogging changed by life back in 2004 with a personal blog I had, so when I started my own catering business 2 years later in 2006 it seemed like a natural thing to blog some of the things I was making. Then I found I could link them to my online menus so clients could see what they were ordering by clicking through to the blog post.

Due to time restraints (running a catering business is a full on 120 hours + a week job), and not wanting to give away all my trade secrets, a lot of posts don't have recipes, but that's something I'm working on with editing old posts - I want it to be useful to you.

How can I use this blog?
You can navigate it by course over on the sidebar or see the most popular posts - also on the sidebar. There's also a search bar at the top of the sidebar. I'm still working on ways to index posts - got any ideas - let me know. 

Questions or feedback?
If you need to ask any questions or you've got any feedback go to my contact page. One lady once phoned me on a Saturday night as I was on the way to cook for a dinner party with 4 other events running elsewhere to ask about the fondant potato blog post. I managed to pull over into a layby and answer her question before getting back on the road. Here to help!

Where is the Cotswolds?
A south central part of England. It's the ideal holiday destination or second home location with sweeping countryside and medieval villages with thatched cottages built from the golden Cotswold stone.

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