Canary pudding

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Now with real canaries. Only in the dreams of Sylvester though.

Canary pudding gets its name it is thought from the canary yellow colour from the lemons it contains. For full recipe click here. The secret to the lightness is beating the butter and sugar as long as you can - and adding the eggs slowly enough so they increase in volume from the air. Short cuts are OK, but an all-in-one method just won't be as light.

I topped it with candied lemon zest and served it with lemon anglaise.
Boiled for 6 minutes in water then refreshed, the zest of 3 lemons are cooked in 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of water for 10 minutes till translucent.
transferred to a baking mat and pulled apart with a fork to stop them sticking together.
When cool rolled in caster sugar.


Anonymous said...

No canaries were harmed during the making of this pudding...


Rosie said...

WOW a wonderful Canary pudding James :) Thank you for joining in the challenge I will add your pudding link onto my blog now :)

Rosie x