Kitchen tips # 30 - Butter or marge - spread faster not harder

Thursday, October 09, 2008
Make the tea, put the toast on, put the washing machine on, put the slow cooker for the evening meal, iron a few shirts, get the kids up...... and that's all before you start work. Fitting in making rounds of lunchtime sandwiches in that schedule is hard enough, especially when noone in the family will eat the same as the other, so it calls for a time saving tip.....

How many slices of bread have you torn up trying to spread hard butter or marge? Melt it in the microwave (cling film the top so it doesn't splatter - less to clean) and spread it on with a pastry brush. If you line up all your slices of bread in a row, you can 'paint' them all in one long brush stroke. It's the satisfying time saving tips which make mornings bearable.....

Mozzarella, roasted pepper, lettuce mayonnaise and mango chutney on tiger bread

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