Some people say you shouldn't trust a slim chef. Well I'm sure my chef jackets shrunk in the wash recently.
When I'm talking to the guests I cook for one of the most common things they say is along the lines of 'do you cook for yourself as well' or 'when do you ever get time to eat yourself' or 'you can't want to cook for yourself after all this.....'. But it's when you cook for yourself you throw things together and come up with new flavours or combinations, or quicker, more efficient techniques. 24 hours a day, 363 days a year (there was one day - the first day of holiday last year when I didn't cook) you eat, sleep (I've done a record number of functions in my sleep this week) and live food so not cooking would be like not breathing.
I cracked the 5 minute lunch when working at Claridges - if there wasn't a queue in the canteen I could be away from the larder, grab lunch and be back in 5 minutes. There was no time for lunch yesterday really - Adam who was helping me pack up and then cooking at Wellacres was stuck in traffic getting back from Wales, but I knew I had to fit in lunch somehow because it would be so long till I could get time to stop again (and sure enough it was after 2am), so it was 2 minutes of getting it together and 3 minutes eating while answering an email at the same time. Busy.
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