Barbecue wedding near Ross on Wye, Herefordshire

Monday, June 07, 2010
"Hereford is the hottest place in the country" said the owner of Kempley Barns near Ross on Wye and Hereford as we wheeled down the barbecues from their barn to the garden.
"....hotter than Greece and the med" said someone else later on. It had been reading 33 oC outside my unit.So no better time to have an outdoor kitchen thenWhat I love about that place is you listen and what do you hear? The stream gushing, pheasants squaking, birds singing, and that's about it. No roads, no people (apart from your guests of course). So peaceful. Just a perfect setting for a wedding. You can just relax and enjoy the company of friends and family.

1 comment

Jan said...

I love Ross on Wye! What nice weather too.