Pear and almond tart with Nutella ice cream

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Made this for a huge Nutella fan - well she said she was a huge Nutella fan but she had never heard of Nutella Day (today by the way) - so I enlightened her and gave her a link to all the Nutella Day recipes

Nutella (philadelphia style) ice cream

[Philadelphia style means egg-less by the way rather than containing Philadelphia cheese]

375ml milk
75ml condensed milk
250ml double cream
Nutella to taste (add as much as you can handle!)
pinch salt

Warm all ingredients together in a pan to incporporate the Nutella. Cool. Churn in the ice cream machine or still freeze - there's a link on a previous ice cream recipe to do that along with a tip for how to serve lots of portions of ice cream in one go & suggestions for ice cream machines. 

You can also add in toasted hazelnuts to the ice cream towards the end to make it extra nutty. I put some on top. Then piped nutella on to the plate as well - you can never have too much!

For the tuile biscuits to sit the ice cream on (saves it melting & sliding across the plate on the way to the table) see link here

Where did my love of Nutella come from? I once worked with a chef from Alba where Nutella originated. Naturally he spread the Nutella love wherever he went. Thus marmite toast was alternated with Nutella toast to keep the chefs going through the night service. We also dipped digestive biscuits in Nutella - instant comfort rush!

World Nutella Day is hosted by Ms Adventures in Italy and Bleeding Espresso - well done you!

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