What a tosser! Eton mess sourdough pancakes for Shrove Tuesday

Tuesday, March 04, 2014
You're going to be fasting for the next 40 days and 40 night right? So why not go out on a high! 
 New year's resolutions - ever keep any? One of mine was to conquer sourdough this year. So last Wednesday I made my first sourdough starter. Before I get to make a sourdough loaf it was just ready in time for pancake day!
Lucky I had labelled it - it would have been thrown away last night when someone else was clearing up while I was out doing a wedding tasting session. 
 Came up with the eton mess pancake idea at 7am on Sunday - must have had cravings! But then a suggestion back from  on twitter which just made it even better - folding the meringue through the pancake mix.

Used this sourdough pancakes recipe - always trust a bloggers recipe! 
 Then topped with vanilla chantilly, berries, coulis and chopped pistachio. After the first bite though realised it was missing something - sprinkled more meringue over the top. You can never have too much meringue!
Got next year's pancake idea ready - pina colada pancakes!

Previous posts - other pancake ideas
Blueberry pancakes with banana jam

Gingerbread pancakes with  grilled mango

Original french style crepe and American style pancake recipes

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Claire (G is for Gingers) said...

Hmm these look amazing! Might try them at the weekend- I'm a big fan of Eton Mess Gisforgingers xx

James said...

Do it! Sprinkle more meringue over the top - you can never have enough!

antoinette.pepe said...

Well kinda hungry now...

James said...

@antoinette - "MMMMM P-A-N-C-A-K-E-S!" :)