Kitchen tips # 25 - Filo baskets - a real basket case!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Chicken in a basket, childrens menu classic

How 2.

If you have catering quality cling film (I’ve never tried this with normal shop-brought cling film before but I‘m sure it would be OK) or glad-wrap if you’re from Australia & New Zealand this won’t melt in the oven! Double wrap a ramekin tight with cling film.
Place two squares of filo on top of each other so they look like a star, brush with egg and sprinkle with sesame. You can use poppy seeds too - if you want to keep brushing them off the table and floor for the next week.

WARNING! They don’t take long to cook. Set the oven on 180 oC - any more and you’re more likely to burn them. They take from 5 - 10 minutes depending on your oven. If they’re not quite ready and you put them back in, they don’t take long to finish off - as I can tell you from many trays of black filo baskets when I was a young commis.

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