2014 A to Z Blogging Challenge - R is for Rhubarb vodka

Monday, April 21, 2014
If rumtopf was available by doctor's prescription I'm pretty sure it would save the NHS a lot of money - it is a cure to so many ills. 
Rhubarb vodka
My Dad has experimented with many things in the liquid form - home brew wines of many kinds, sloe gin with sloes from Dartmoor (don't pick after rain!), home brew beer, raspberries in brandy (along with the rumtopf) are another Christmas specialty. This is the latest from this recipe which we made up this morning with the rhubarb from my garden.
It's called rhubarb and strawberry vodka - you add the strawberry when you serve it. This would also make a great sorbet.
Should be ready in a month!

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Sylvia Ney said...

Sounds interesting. New follower here. I'm dropping by from the "A to Z" challenge, and I look forward to visiting again.


Mars said...

I always seem to pop up on your alcoholic posts... I must have a sixth sense!

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