Beans on toast

Thursday, May 14, 2009
I stopped off on the way back to base after my Sunday brunch deliveries to pick some nettles. At last there would be a little time to try making this bread.......

Gluten free nettle soda bread

I used the soda bread recipe I had used before (buttermilk version). As I was using rice flour rather than wheat flour though, I added 1 teaspoon of baking powder and an egg as well to help things along.

Sauteed nettles chilled and pureed with buttermilk. Then just stirred in the nettle-buttermilk mix with flour, soda etc.

I kept some to make a nettle pesto to spoon over the beans.

This went with beer baked beans (last of the frozen left overs)

The verdict - tasty bread. Next time definitely use a mix of rice and tapioca flour - the tapioca being so starchy will help it be less crumbly.

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H.Peter said...

GF Baking can be taunting to say the least...
This bread looks very tasty.

Anonymous said...

This bread looks fantastic!

Mariana Kavroulaki said...

I'm always interested in the ways you use nettles. Wonderful recipe!

James said...

Thanks Mrs. History! You could try making this nettle beer too -

It's almost the same as the ginger beer I keep meaning to make, but never seem to find time to. If you do make it let me know how it turns out!