Vegetable samosas

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Similar to making the filo rolls - just got to think triangles.

I made a vegetarian curry mix of small diced potato, carrot, onion, peas, curry paste and a little fresh coriander (so tasty - should make that more often) rolled inside and served with yogurt and mint dip.
It was one of the vegetarian canapes to accompany the vegetable en croute and sole.
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Jan said...

Yummy yum yum - I love samosas!

♥Rosie♥ said...

I adore samosas and these look top notch James!

Sam said...

I really love samosas, these looks perfect!

Marta said...

Thanks for this great recipe! I'm always wanted to leanr how to make samosas because I'm often dissapointed with restaurant ones. They have so much potential to be memorable!