Food blogging event

Thursday, May 07, 2009

I would have mentioned this earlier, but 18 - 24 hour days get in the way.....

I'm hosting this week's Bookmarked Recipes, the food blogging event created by Ruth of Ruth's Kitchen Experiments where anyone from anywhere can blog about a recipe they had bookmarked from a cook book, food magazine, food blog, food website, from TV etc, make it and submit it to a weekly roundup.

It's OK - you've got all weekend to do it!

Remember if you want to take part here's all you have to do....

1. Pick a recipe from a book/magazine/blog/website/tv show and make it. (Note you can only submit 1 recipe per week)

2. Blog about it- include where you got the recipe in your blog post (including a link to their website if possible)- include a link to this post or this blog in your blog post- include the logo (see above) for Bookmarked Recipes in your blog post- include a photo of your recreation on your blog post

3. Email bookmarkedrecipes[AT]gmail[DOT]com with the following information:- Your name- The name of your blog- The URL of your blog- The permalink for your entry- A photo of your entry- A note of where you got your recipe from

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