Rhubarb crumble tart with crème anglaise and rhubarb jelly

Monday, May 11, 2009
The rhubarb I planted in my garden 2 years ago is now looking really healthy and abundant. It was time to make the rhubarb crumble tart, and I was thinking about a garnish when I came accross this recipe for rhubarb jelly from Keiko at Nordljus. I liked the idea of serving it in a glass with the pistachio mousse underneath, but instead poured the jelly into a container and diced it below to serve with the crumble tart:
It would be just nice to eat as it is though. If you adjust the amount of sugar you use any other type of fruit to make a jelly like this - strawberries, blackberries, plums.

It has been bookmarked for anyone else who wants to try it on the virtual recipe drawer that is Bookmarked Recipes - your one-
stop shop for tried and tested recipes from the food blogger community updated every Monday which I am hosting this week.

1 comment

thepassionatecook said...

these look delicious! i have only just stumbled across your blog and must bookmark it!