Rack of lamb with aubergine and potato gratin, roast courgettes and an oven dried tomato and basil sauce (ii)

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Finally. Finally got it right.
You may remember this from a previous post. All the flavours of moussaka, just done slightly differently.

I had cooked it for a party on Wednesday night (left), but when it came to plating it up the lamb just took over the plate. It was just too big. Today (well last night now, the second party of the evening, above) I trimmed them a little more than the butcher at Home Farm does. Simple things.

Brushed with dijon mustard and sprinkled with breadcrumbs whizzed with cumin, fresh coriander & chives they're roasted for c. 30 - 35 minutes. 58 oC on the probe. Roasted courgettes (right) served seperately.
Then there was just a little assitte for dessert........


Jan said...

Now that lamb looks good! Love the courgettes and sauce too - sounds really yummy.

Sam said...

I really like the little dessert plate, it looks very elegant!