Terrine of ham hock and broad beans with pea puree

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Fresh is best. This takes time to press and set so I made it around 23 hours before serving.
The Sunday night function had rolled straight into the new week - a new Monday - just after midnight. I suddenly remembered the ham hock. You have to strike early out in the Cotswolds for ham hocks. Eventually I took the diced ham hock from Collins in Broadway and poached that for 4 hours in court bouillon.
Most people discard the onions, leek & carrot from the court bouillon once it's cooked. But as they have so much flavour I like to add them in to the terrine (like I do now with the salmon rillette too). There was harricot bean puree too (below), broad beans, parsley and cumberland sauce and the terrine was wrapped in leeks. Once it is up to room temperature it's just so good.

This was served at the same time (for the non-vegetarians) as the roast asparagus with tahini dressing.
It's almost as good as the ham hock and foie gras version - I would do that if anyone wanted to pay a supplement for the foie gras.

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1 comment

Jan said...

That looks fantastic!