Pink peppercorn cured trout

Thursday, March 04, 2010
All tips greatfully received. Especially when they come like this:
The menfolk of the party had been out fishing during the day.

Left for a couple of days for the flesh to relax (See pin bone tip here) then filletted. I've frozen the head - fish head soup coming up some time. Yes really.
I've got a cure for that - I was reading Fiona's post on pink peppercorns ealier that evening - inspiration. Salt, sugar, pink peppercorns, lemon and orange zest, tarragon and cointreau.
1 week later we try out with gherkin and jalapenos & cucumber and beetroot during our baking evening. Pretty good. We will be using as part of the trout trio on Saturday. New menu idea (in another presentation of course)?


Julie said...

Hmm...can't wait to see what's in fish head soup!

Jan said...

I am loving thie idea of salt, sugar, pink peppercorns, lemon and orange zest, tarragon AND cointreau!! YUM